CA DMV Form REG 104. Notice Removal of Abandoned Vehicle

CA DMV Form REG 104. Notice Removal of Abandoned Vehicle

Form REG 104 is utilized when an individual wants to request the removal of an abandoned vehicle from their property. The form serves as a formal notice to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) regarding the abandoned vehicle and initiates the process for its removal.

The form consists of sections where the property owner provides information such as their name, address, contact details, and a description of the abandoned vehicle. The form may require additional details about the vehicle, such as the license plate number or vehicle identification number (VIN). It also necessitates the property owner's signature.

Important fields in this form include accurately providing personal and property information, clearly describing the abandoned vehicle, and ensuring that the form is signed by the property owner. It is vital to provide accurate information and follow the instructions provided on the form to facilitate the proper handling and removal of the abandoned vehicle.

Application Example: If an individual discovers an abandoned vehicle on their property and wishes to have it removed, they would complete Form REG 104. The form should be filled out with the necessary information, including the property owner's details and a description of the abandoned vehicle. Once completed, the form is submitted to the DMV as a formal request for the removal of the abandoned vehicle.

Related Forms: An alternative or related form to REG 104 might be the REG 106 (Claim of Lien). This form is used when someone claims a lien on an abandoned vehicle. While REG 104 focuses on requesting the removal of the abandoned vehicle, REG 106 addresses the claim of ownership or lien on the vehicle.