CT DMV Form UCR-1. Unified carrier registration (2015)

CT DMV Form UCR-1. Unified carrier registration (2015)

Form R94 - Driver's Education - Application for Driving School License serves as an application form submitted by individuals or entities seeking a driving school license in Connecticut. This form is used to apply for a license to operate a driving school that provides driver's education courses.

For instance, an entrepreneur who plans to establish a driving school would use this form to apply for a license to operate the school. The benefits of using this form include obtaining the necessary authorization to offer driver's education courses legally.

Form Structure

This form involves individuals or entities seeking a driving school license and the relevant authorities responsible for licensing driving schools. It's structured with sections for applicant information, school details, qualifications of the school's director, and the applicant's signature.

How to Fill Out and Submit the Form

The applicant needs to provide accurate information about the driving school, including details about the school's director and qualifications. Once the form is completed and signed, it should be submitted to the appropriate regulatory body responsible for licensing driving schools.

Ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete. Attach any required supporting documentation, such as proof of qualifications and business details.

Similar forms might exist for other types of educational institutions, but this form is tailored to driving schools offering driver's education courses.